miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

IMAGINE by John Lennon

"You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one,
I hope someday you'll join us,

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

2012 Proyect: Malvinas

This year we commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the "Malvinas War". In honour of those who lost their lives on the islands, and the ones who could return, our students focused and worked on the quotes by Gandhi, Lennon, M. Luther King and others. The result can be shown on this poster that expresses the wishes of LOVE, PEACE and LIVING IN A WORLD WITHOUT BOUNDARIES.


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Project Save a Penguin: Our visit to Mundo Marino

On 14th November, we visited Mundo Marino, the largest aquarium in South America. It is located in San Clemente del Tuyu, a city in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.It is one of the most popular recreational destinations in our country with 40 hectares of park with various attractions: orcas and dolphins shows, visits to the penguin shelter, a tour by train around the park and meet other animals, and many more.Our visit was related to the project: Save a Penguin, created by the publishing house Pearson Longman to support Fundación Mundo Marino in an effort to help one of the endangered marine species on our coasts: the Magellan Penguin.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Muestra Inglés Año 2010

Our students took part in the end-of-the-year English Exhibition organized by our Coordinator Ms. Elena Rivas. It was held in School Nº 20 District19 "Maestro Carranza", situated in Martínez Castro 3061, CABA. With the help of our music teacher, Mr. Alberto Campos, our children sang "We are the World" honouring all the children in need for love, protection and happiness.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Natural Science: Animal Habitats

Natural Science: Activities done after the visit to Temaiken, a theme park.  That experience has motivated us to get involved and participate in Piie Proyect.

Trabajo realizado en conjunto con la Escuela 4 DE 4.
Visit their blog: http://seresvivos4del4.blogspot.com/

We've worked on these scale models with 6th Form "A". These models represent the natural habitats where animals live.




viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009


The animals described below were chosen by the 6th "B" year students during their visit to Temaiken, a zafari park (2008). Here you will find the most interesting and appealing species:

roup 1: Meerkat (Suricata)

Where are they? Southern plains of Africa
Where do they live? These mammals live in burrows about 3 metres approximately.
Size: 50 cm.
Weight: 1 kg approximately.
Lifespan: The meerkats that survive the longest are the dominant females. Between 6 - 11 is the life span of a meerkat.
Diet: Omnivore. Insects, spiders, snails. Also rodents, ground nesting birds and their eggs, lizards, certain bulbs and roots.
Range: They inhabit portions of South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, extending from the south west arid biotic zone and eastward into neighboring southern savanna and grassland areas.
Young: They have 1 to 5 pups. Colonies from 2-12
Protection status: No species is known to be threatened or endangered.Cool facts: They have grey fur with black marks. They are very sociable. They bark when danger.Role in the ecosystem: Meerkats are an important link in the food web. They provide food for predators. They also take many invertebrates, probably acting as a control on their own prey populations.

Group 2: Bat (Murciélago)

Where are they? They are found in nearly all parts of the world but are most numerous in the tropics
Where do they live? In caves, crevices, hollow trees, or attics.
Size: Bats are divided into two sub-orders: Megachiroptera, meaning large bat, and Microchiroptera, meaning small bat. The largest bats have 1,20 m. The bodies of the smallest bats are no more than 2,54 cm long.
Weight: 14 gr to 1.5 kg
Lifespan: Most bats live longer than most mammals of their size. The longest known lifespan of a bat in the wild is 30 years for a little brown bat.
Diet: insectivores, consuming enough insects to affect the balance of insect populations. Others feed on fruit, pollen, nectar, or blood (vampire bats).
Range: Bats can be found almost anywhere in the world except the polar regions and extreme deserts
Young: Thay have one pup. Females of most species bear a single young in the summer of each year.
Protection status: Twelve species of bat are listed as endangered, and one as threatened.
Cool Fact: winged mammal of the order Chiroptera, which includes 900–1,000 species. The life span of some bats is 20 years in captivity.
Role in the ecosystem: Bats significantly reduce insect damage to plants. They can be more effective pest control agents than birds.

Group 3: Shark (Tiburón)
Where are they?Sharks are in the open ocean, in coral reefs and in shallow seas.
Where do they live?They live in oceans.
Size: 3,7 - 5 metres
Weight: Up to 1,900 kgLifespan: 30 years or more.Diet: Fish, dolphins, seals and sea lions.Range: Cool coastal waters throughout most of the worldYoung: 2-14 pupsProtection Status: VulnerableCool Facts: There are over 350 species of sharks. A great white shark can sense blood in water up to 5 km away.Role in the ecosystem: Sharks play an important role in the ecosystem because they maintain an ecological balance.